The Greenvalley International School is a progressive school for children that creates future leaders through personalized learning. We create tomorrow’s leaders through a world-class educational experience.

Our learning spaces, curriculum, technology, and organizational structure are designed specially to support our vision of personalized learning plans for every child. We have centered our curriculum around three stages of learning — iPlay, iDiscover & iLead — each focusing on a particular skill set.

We recognize and understand the fact that each child is unique and has different learning needs. Our customized curriculum created to match each learner’s needs makes us stand apart from other schools. The school addresses students as learners and teachers as facilitators. Stage 1-follows ‘Thematic’ learning while the focus is given to Project-Based Learning (PBL) in Stage 2. The Personalised Learning Plan (PLP) is another vital factor that supports and differentiates us from other schools and aids in fulfilling our vision of creating 21st-century world-class leaders.